The magician Vasya
Mr. Vasya is a famous magician from Irshava. You may not know that people in Irshava often use the word \(\texttt{pak}\), even when it is superfluous. To understand the importance of this problem, \(\texttt{6-pak}\) is not only a block of beer, but also a sentence from Irshava. The magician Vasya plans to visit another city, but for this, he needs to get rid of the filler words not to look like he is from Irshava. This time you need to count the number of filler word occurrences in the sentence.
Input Specification
The first line contains the filler word \(S\) \((1 \leq |S| \leq 100)\).
The second line contains a sentence consisting only of small Latin letters \(R\) \((1 \leq |R| \leq 10^6)\).
Output Specification
Print the number of the given filler word occurrences in the sentence.
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2